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While browsing in the Net, I came across a beautifull website which is dedicated for creating customized magazine cover [Customization include choice of template, background and text]. Here is how the site describes itself. The image below is a sample of endless possibilities of Magazine Cover Creator created using it.

Make your own magazine cover! Be a superstar! Prove to your friends how famous you really are! All you need is a photo from that fancy digital camera of yours. Works with your photos hosted on Flickr or anywhere else

Link :: http://flagrantdisregard.com/flickr/magazine.php

UML Tutorials :-

  • Specification of the Bluetooth System v1.1 22-02-2001 (Core) [pdf]
  • Specification of the Bluetooth System v1.1 22-02-2001 (Profiles) [pdf]
  • SyncML Over Bluetooth [pdf]
  • Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol (BNEP) Specification [pdf]
  • Bluetooth Extended Service Deiscovery Profile (ESDP) for Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) [pdf]
  • Personal Area Networking (PAN) Profile [pdf]
  • Bluetooth Security White Paper [pdf]
  • Security Comparison: Bluetooth vs 802.11 [pdf]

  • Program Stack vulnerability [txt]
  • Non-executable Program Stack vulnerability [txt]
  • Strange Attractors and TCP/IP Sequence Number Analysis [link]
  • Rainbow book series [link]
  • Kernel Level Vulnerabilities, Behind the Scenes of the 5th Argus Hacking Challenge [pdf]
  • Attacks on and Countermeasures for USB Hardware Token Devices [pdf]
  • UNIX Assembly Codes Development for Vulnerabilities Illustration Purposes [pdf]
  • Countermeasures against Buffer Overflow Attacks [pdf]
  • Integrating Flexible Support for Security Policies into the Linux Operating System [pdf]
  • Flaw in NTRU Signature Scheme (NSS) [pdf]
  • Meeting Critical Security Objectived with Security-Enhanced Linux [pdf]
  • Secure Programming with Linux and Unix [pdf]
  • Reverse Compilation Techniques [pdf]
  • What Should be Hidden and Open in Computer Security: Lessons from Deception, the Art of War, Law, and Economic Theory [pdf]
  • Stack Smashing Vulnerabilities in the UNIX Operation System [pdf]

  • Networking concepts [pdf]
  • Introduction to Internet Protocols [txt]
  • Network planning and design [pdf]
  • Queuing analysis [pdf]
  • Parallel FTP performance in a High-Bandwidth High-Latency WAN [pdf]
  • Compete WAP Security [pdf]
  • Cryptographic Authentication fo Real-Time Network Protocols [pdf]
  • Temporary Committee on the ECHELON Interception System Report (Working Document) [pdf]
  • IP Multicast Configuration [pdf]
  • Can Shortest-path Routing and TCP Maximize Utility [pdf]
  • A new TCP congestion control with empty queues and scalable stability [pdf]
  • FAST Kernel: Backgroung Theory and Experimental Results [pdf]
  • Robustness and the Internet: Design and evolution [pdf]
  • Robust congestion control for the Internet [pdf]
  • A Mathematical Framework for Designing a Low-Loss, Low-Delay Internet [pdf]
  • On the stability of networks operating TCP-like congestion control [pdf]
  • Ultrascale Network Protocols for Computing and Science in the 21st Century [pdf]

  • A Cryptography Tutorial [summary,pdf(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
  • Another Cryptography tutorial [pdf(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)]
  • Cryptography - The myths [pdf]
  • A Cryptograpgic Compendium [link]
  • Frequently Asked Questions about Today's Cryptography by RSA Laboratories [pdf]
  • Security protocols overview by RSA Laboratories [pdf]
  • Security Pitfalls in Cryptography [pdf]
  • Stream ciphers [pdf]
  • Understanding Public Key Infrastructure [pdf]
  • Trust Models and Management in Public-Key Infrastuctured [pdf]
  • Why Cryptography is Harder than it looks [pdf]
  • Cryptanalytic Attacks on Pseudorandom Number Generators [pdf]
  • CryptoBytes, RSA newsletter [pdf(1-1,1-2,1-3,2-1,2-2,2-3,3-1,3-2,4-1,4-2)]
  • RSA Laboratories' Bulletin [pdf(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13)]
  • Smartcard security [pdf]
  • Digital Signatures, Certificates and Electronic Commerce [pdf]
  • Key recovery - Meeting the Needs of Users or Key Escrow in Disguise [pdf]
  • Implementation Experience with AES Candidate Algorithms [pdf]
  • Performance Analysis of AES candidates on the 6805 CPU core [pdf]
  • UK Government Organisations Involved in Communications and Information Systems Security [pdf]
  • The block cipher Square [pdf]
  • Attacks on Cryptoprocessor Transaction Sets [pdf]
  • Initial Cryptanalysis of the RSA SecurID Algorithm [pdf]
  • Amplified Boomerang Attacks Against Reduced-Round MARS and Serpent [pdf]
  • Preliminary Cryptanalysis of Reduced-Round Serpent [pdf]
  • Defective Sign and Encrypt in S/MIME, PKCS#7, MOSS, PEM, PGP, and XML [pdf]
  • Compliance Defects in Public-Key Cryptography [pdf]
  • Architectural considerations for cryptanalytic hardware [pdf]
  • WEP Fix using RC4 Fast Packet Keying [pdf]
  • RSA Security Response to Weaknesses in Key Scheduling Algorithm of RC4 [pdf]
  • Block Ciphers [pdf]
  • Stream Ciphers [pdf]
  • C.R.I.S.I.S. - Cryptography's Role In Securing the Information Society [pdf]
  • Universal Hashing and Multiple Authentication [pdf]
  • Timing Analysis of Keystrokes and Timing Attacks on SSH [pdf]
  • The simple ideal cipher system [pdf]
  • An FPGA Implementation of the Linear Cruptanalysis [pdf]
  • The math behind the RSA cipher [txt]
  • RSA hardware implementation [pdf]
  • High-Speed RSA implementation [pdf]
  • Are 'Strong' Primes Needed for RSA? [pdf]
  • RSAES-OAEP Encryption scheme [pdf]
  • Has the RSA algorithm been compromised as a result of Bernstein's Papar? [pdf]
  • Are 'Strong' Primed Needed for RSA? [pdf]
  • Why Textbook ElGamal and RSA Encryption are Insecure [pdf]
  • The DES algorithm [txt]
  • The RC5 encryption algorithm [pdf]
  • On The Security of the RC5 Encryption Algorithm [pdf]
  • The ESP RC5-CBC Transform [txt]
  • The RC5, RC5-CBC, RC5-CBC-Pad, and RC5-CTS Algorithms [txt]
  • The RC6 block cipher [pdf]
  • RC6 as the AES [pdf]
  • The security of RC6 block cipher [pdf]
  • Statistical testing of RC6 block cipher [pdf]
  • Blowfish algorithm in plain English [txt]
  • Source code for Blowfish implementation [zip(C++,Another C++,Java,ANSI C,Another ANSI C,Forth,Pascal)]
  • Twofish: A 128-bit Block Cipher [pdf]
  • Upper bounds on differential characteristics in Twofish [pdf]
  • Impossible differentials in Twofish [pdf]
  • A Twofish retreat: Related-Key attacks against Reduced-Round Twofish [pdf]
  • Further observations on the Key Schedule of Twofish [pdf]
  • Empirical verification of Twofish key uniqueness properties [pdf]
  • Key separation in Twofish [pdf]
  • Improved Twofish implementations [pdf]
  • Implementation of the Twofish Cipher using FPGA devices [pdf]
  • Source code for Twofish implementation [zip(6805(Smartcard),Z80,Reference C code,ANSI C and i386 asm,Optimised ANSI C,Optimised C code [Linux code],Visual Basic,Java)]
  • The Rijndael Block Cipher [pdf]
  • A Specification of Rijndael, the AES Algorithm [pdf]
  • Efficient Implementation of the Rijndael S-box [pdf]
  • The Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem [pdf]
  • Elliptic Curce Cryptosystems [pdf]
  • Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Future Resiliency and High Security Systems [pdf]
  • The Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem for Smart Cards [pdf]
  • The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) [pdf]
  • Recommendation on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems [pdf]
  • Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems on Reconfigurable Hardware [pdf]

Yahoo is in its way to upgrade its mail service with an outlook type of look and feel. Here is a screenshot of upcoming yahoo mail. Isn't it look beutifull !!!! Here is a link containing more information on it http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/09/14/211225&from=rss

Not only Dot can be ued for Graph Visualization but it can also be used for creating presentation quality diagrams as well. Here is a simple example of creating presentation quality diagrams using dot. It is generated completely from text by describing the graph in Dot language. Here is the source code of it:-
digraph xxs {
  A -> B;
  B -> C;

subgraph cluster0 {
    node [style=filled, color=white];
    D -> E -> F;
    F -> D;

subgraph cluster1 {
    node [style=filled];
    G -> H -> I;

  subgraph cluster2 {
    node [style=filled, color=lightgrey, shape=Msquare];
    J -> K -> L -> M;
  I -> K;
  G -> L;
  M -> C;
  A -> G;
  B -> D;
  H -> E;
  F -> J;

I have never seen "" unicode character in HTML .... Untill seen it in one of my fiends orkut scrapbook. Isn't it funny ... At least it can be used for making Samll Graphics Like the bellow one using 100% text


There is a very nice Graph Visualization Software from AT&T called Graphviz. You can have a look at the types of graphs that can be generated using it. It consists of a few tool named "dot", "neato" etc... It is realeased under a open-source type of license. As a result of which good a number of tools, library, language bindings, third-party apps have been developed around it. It has been ported to window by Ood Tsen as a co component with support for various languages like c++, vb, asp and perl. It is called WinGraphviz

Here is the code that is used for generating it

#include <atlbase.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include "WinGraphviz.h"

const IID IID_IDOT = {0xA1080582,0xD33F,0x486E,{0xBD,0x5F,0x58,0x19,0x89,0xA3,0xC7,0xE9}};     
const CLSID CLSID_DOT = {0x55811839,0x47B0,0x4854,{0x81,0xB5,0x0A,0x00,0x31,0xB8,0xAC,0xEC}};

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 unsigned short* result;
 IBinaryImage *img;

 hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
 if (FAILED(hr)) {
  cout << "CoInitialize Failed: " << hr << "\n\n";
 hr = CoCreateInstance (CLSID_DOT, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, 
  IID_IDOT, (void**)&pIDOT);
 if (FAILED(hr)) {
   cout << "CoCreateInstance Failed: " << hr << "\n\n";
 hr = pIDOT->ToPNG(A2BSTR("digraph G {      A -> B; E -> B; E -> D; D -> C;    B -> D; D -> E; F -> D; G -> A;    D -> A; B -> G; H -> C; G -> H;    C -> A; B -> H; E -> H; H -> A; }"),
 if (FAILED(hr)) {
   cout << "ToSvg Failed: " << hr << "\n\n";

 return 0;

I have a dream; To create stuffs that are used by millions and millions of people, like Yahoo, Google and Windows, not neccessarily making billions of dollars. Making money is not a big priority for me, but making stuffs used by millions of people is a dream of me. I don't know whether I will ever succssed in realizing my dream or not. My e-books link collection on geocities and its further porting to blogger is just a consequence of it.

By looking at nice softwares (both small and big), an internal force within me bugs me to make such nice stuffs. I agree making such stuffs single handedly without a team is a day-dream. But still, I don't know why, I always feels that I can do that, I have enough capabilities, but I am not utilizing to its fullest extend because of "N" numbers of reasons. I have made few small goddies (These are too small to be called as a software, little bigger to be called as program). Some of them are incomplete or partial or not upto my visualized system.

Using my blog as a medium, I am interested to extends my ideas to some distant soul who might find usefull to it, might contribute something make it more usefull or might enable me to achieve my dream mentioned above.

I have always a plan to make a unix like shell in windows. It can be easily made in console mode. But I have laways interested it to be in GUI mode, something similar to matlab or ssh console. I have a plan to add basic functionalities of the language and extend it further to have similar capability as matlab (like that of octave but not using gnuplot for plotting but with own plotting library).

I have made a small step into it by making a gui using MFC. I have implemented only 3 systems command till now i.e. pwd, help, and ls. I will be adding much ore functionalities in near future. I am also learning python to evaluate possibilities to using it to simplify my design process. Let's see how much I can progress to achive a complete unix like shell.

It is called as "Patel Shell", in the name of the hall of residence I am currently in at IIT Kharagpur, India.

My Other Blogs
  • The Nameless Blog :: A blog on Campus/JOB/Placement related info containing sample questions, tips and tricks on Interviews, GD and many more
Programming Languages:-
Ada C/C++ CORBA Fortran Matlab LISP Perl PostScript Python Prolog Tcl/Tk Regular Expressions XML Core Java I Core Java II J2EE Functional Haskell ML Scheme Reference

Unix and Linux:-
UNIX Linux Shell Programming Lex & Yacc Sed Awk Make Vi GTK X11

Web and Internet:-
CSS CGI JavaScript HTML Perl PHP Web Designing AJAX

Graphics and Animations:-
Computer Graphics OpenGL Photoshop VRML Game Development

Computer Science:-
Algorithm and Data Structure Quantum Computing Software Engineering Security Miscellaneous Computer Graphics Programming Computer Science Cryptography Computer Vision

Wavelets FFT Verilog VHDL Digital Signal Processing

Medical Science:-
Medical Science :: I Medical Science :: II Medical Science :: III Medical Science :: IV Medical Science :: V Medical Science :: VI Medical Science :: VII Medical Science :: VIII Medical Science :: IX

SQL Oracle Database :: General Database :: Reference
TCP/IP Networking :: General

Mathematics :: Algebra NT & Server Technologies Miscellaneous References

Interview Questions:-
Questions On C - I Questions On C - II Questions On C - III Questions On C++ - I Questions On C++ - II Questions On C++ - III C++ and OOP Concept C/C++ Puzzles C, C++, Perl and Unix Questions On Java - I Questions On Java - II Questions On Java - III Questions On VB - I Questions On Database - I Questions On Data Structure - I Question Banks Frequently Asked Questions Facing a JOB Interview Commonly Asked Interview Questions - I The 25 Most Difficult Questions you will be asked on a job interview 50 Common Interview Questions Your Job Interview is a beauty Contest Aptitude Test Questions - I Logic Questions - I Puzzles to Puzzle you 8 Commandments for job-seekers Digital Electronics - I VLSI Design Miscellaneous ECE Question Paper Link Miscellaneous ECE Links - II Some Tough ECE Questions Questions On Microprocessor - I TI and Intel Question Paper - I Intel Question Paper - I Computer Architecture - I Computer Architecture - II Networking - I Networking - II Questions On Operating Systems - I Tougher Programming Questions Data Structures & Algorithms - I Microsoft :: Placement Paper - I IT Companies TCS :: Sample Question Paper - I TCS :: Pshycometric Test - I ECE TI and Intel Question Paper - I Intel Question Paper - I CSE Microsoft :: Placement Paper - I

  • Reference:-
  • Hi friends,

    I have recently designed a new blogger template. You can have a look at it at http://indiabloglist.blogspot.com/

    you can use the template if you like. I have made a zip file and uploaded to geocities for convinience. It is at http://www.geocities.com/x_scn/template.zip

    To use it just download it, unzip it and copy and paste the content of the text file in your template. Make sure that you have backed-up your previous template in ur computer. It is highly advisable because it is the only solution in case you have changed your mind to move-back to your old template.

    This can be considered as "something-like" beta version of the template. I will try to improve it upon in near future.

    Scott Adams has again quoted IIT in his recent dilbert clip on 3rd September. Here is the link of it http://www.dilbert.com/comics/dilbert/archive/dilbert-20050903.html Here is the Clip:-

    Today seems to be a great day for me. Firstly I have done fairly well (as compared to previous mockCAT PT tests) in today's PT PracCAT test 01. Hope I will get a better percentile than previous tests.

    Secondly today there was water-polo match between "Patel Hall" and "Neheru Hall". I happens to be the senior most player of Patel Hall. Frankly speaking towards the beggining of this year when we have not done enough practise i was quite sceptical about the performance of our team. But our confidence got a boost when we gave a good competition to "Azad Hall" water polo team during some friendly water-polo matches before the actual inter-hall competition started.

    Today we had our first inter-hall water-polo match with neheru. Neheru has got a very strong team. It had already beaten RK in yesterday's match. The game strategy developed after viewing yesterday's match between RK and Neheru really does a miracle to us. Using that strategy we can almost successfully resisted neheru's attack. Co-ordination amongst fellow team-mates are at its best. Everyone in the team has given more than 100% of them in today's match. I myself got hallucinated by the coordination, effort, and performance of my team. Unlike previous years matches there were minimal amount of foul in this match. Today's match between patel and neheru is worth viewing.

    But Unfortunately we loose from neheru by 11-9. But the unexpected and unassumed effort, coordination, and performance shown by patel hall team will be a great asset in future matches (happens to be on tommarow). Hopes we will win the coming game with RK.

    Very few moments came to ones life when one get satisfaction even in the face of faliure. Such a moment had came to me today after the match. Even after loosing the match from Neheru I was quite satisfied and happy with the performance we gave today. No doubt there was unhappiness due to the loss of match, but the satsifaction because of achieving the unexpected, clearing the pshycological barier to achieve new hights are far strong to eclispe the previous one. By the way the true playing spirit lies in zeal to play with 100% of you, not in winning or loosing.

    Truely today is a great day for me.