Posted by Subash | 10:46 PM
[1] Comments
- A really friendly guide to wavelets
- An Introduction to wavelets
- The Fast Lifting Wavelet Transform
- The wavelet Tutorial by Robi Polikar
- Another wavelet tutorial
- Recursive frame inverse computation using wavelets on the real line
- Wavelets for Nonlinear system
- Tutorial on continuous Wavelet analysis of Experimental data
- A practical Guide to wavelet Analysis
- A gentle introduction to wavelets
- Wavelets and signal processing
- Fast Transform
- The wavelet digest
- Wavelet NetCare
9:14 AM
I am looking for a blog on wavelets.
I have done some work in the past using wavelets for audio/image/video compression (1997).
I have the Matlab wavelet toolbox which has a function called "besttree" which for a given wavelet provides the tree.
However, the above doesn't give you the best wavelet, depth, etc.
What I am wondering is whether anyone got around to finding the best wavelet for a particular signal?
Best regards,
Salt Lake City, UT