Posted by Subash | 11:53 PM
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- ML :: Basics:-
- A Gentle Introduction to ML
- Group 25's ML Tutorial
- Introduction to ML Programming Language
- Comp.Lang.ML FAQs
- ML-Yacc User's Manual
- SML :-
- Programming in Standard ML '97: An Online Tutorial
- Programming in Standard ML
- Programming in Standard ML - Robert Harper
- Four Lectures on Standard ML
- Unix System Programming with Standard ML
- Standard ML Basis Library
- Standard ML Grammar
- Lexical analyzer generator for Standard ML
- Using the SML/NJ System
- Caml:-
- The Caml Language
- The Caml Light system, documentation and user's guide
- A Concise Introduction to Objective Caml
- Functional programming using Caml Light
- The Objective Caml system
- Using, Understanding, and Unraveling The OCaml Language From Practice to Theory and vice versa
- An introduction to the Objective Caml language and its type system
- ML :: Compilers:-
- Moscow ML :: Light Weight Implementation of SML
- Standard ML of New Jersey
- Home Page of ML Kit
- Poly/ML Home Page
- MLTon Compiler for SML