Using Dot :: II
Posted by Subash | 7:02 PM
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Not only Dot can be ued for Graph Visualization but it can also be used for creating presentation quality diagrams as well. Here is a simple example of creating presentation quality diagrams using dot. It is generated completely from text by describing the graph in Dot language. Here is the source code of it:-
digraph xxs { rankdir="LR"; size="8,5"; ratio="fill"; A -> B; B -> C; subgraph cluster0 { node [style=filled, color=white]; style=filled; color=lightgrey; D -> E -> F; F -> D; } subgraph cluster1 { node [style=filled]; color=blue; G -> H -> I; } subgraph cluster2 { rankdir="TB"; rotate="90"; node [style=filled, color=lightgrey, shape=Msquare]; style=filled; color=lightblue; J -> K -> L -> M; } I -> K; G -> L; M -> C; A -> G; B -> D; H -> E; F -> J; }