I don't think I have ever ran 1.6Km at a stretch in my life untill today when I finally able to cross this limit. I have always been good at swimming, but extremely bad at jugging/running. This is not because of lack of physical stamina, but because of lack of my ability to break my mental notion that even I can ran as other. And finally I decided to break the above notion very recently, may be around 30 days back, when I decided to start going for jugging at gyanghosh stadium of IITKGP with my friend Sameer. Then my confidence started growing slowly and today for the first time I am able to have 4 round (4*400m = 1.6km) of it.

To me it is an eye-opener, an invitation to break my mental blockings/prejudices (atleast those which are useless). Two months before if someone would have asked me the the question "how much can you run ?" ... My answer would have not more than 100m, may be I would have started diverting the topic by describing my swimming ability and many more such out-of-context, statements justifying my lack of ability and so on. I have laways been justifying my lack of inability with some nonexisting muscular problem.

1.6Km or 4 round is a milestone for me because I have a dream of jugging 4 rounds of gyanghosh at a stretch as the final aim, while I started jogging. Today I have to take two 2-3 mins break to achieve 4 rounds, but now I realize that much more than 4 rounds of gyanghosh can be ran at a stretch if consitency is maintained, and I am determined to achieve it. This breaking of notion will be a big inspiration for me to break my mental prejudice, to start thinking afresh, not just to dream, but to struggle to achieve and excel in it.

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